Piezo sounder

8.05 SAR Includes VAT 15% ( 310095677500003 )

Piezo sounder

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SKU: J-EC-BU-03 Category:

Apply 3V to 5V to this piezo buzzer module and you’ll be rewarded with a loud 2KHz BEEP. Unlike a plain piezo, this buzzer does not need an AC signal. Inside is a piezo element plus the driver circuitry that makes it oscillate at 2KHz. The piezo buzzer is 5V TTL logic compatible and Breadboard friendly pin spacing.

This buzzer is ideal when you need to fit a buzzer in a small place. It has its own built-in drive circuit. It offers low current consumption. Used in manufacturing applications such as laptops, alarms, pagers, etc.

Great for use as part of a Code Practice Oscillator.


  • Operation Voltage: 3-5V DC
  • Current: <25mA
  • SPL: 85dBA/10cm
  • Frequency: 2,300Hz
  • Color: Black
  • Operating Temperature: – 20° to +65°C
  • Weight: 2.4 gram
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