جهاز تنفس صناعي من كلية الجبيل الصناعية ( JICVENT )

شرح لمخطط الدائرة الالكترونية التي سنعرضها في الخطوة القادمة :

The following circuit is used in our ventilator where one potentio – meter is connected to Arduino Uno board analog input A2 since A0 and A1 are reserved for current sensing of channel one and two of the driver , two push button are connected to digital inputs 2 and 6 for changing the breath frequency . the I2C LCD is going to be added in the next satge and will be connected to A4 and A5 which is the I2C Bus .

Finally, the motor shield is attached on top of the Arduino Uno board and its pins are directly connected to the Arduino without any wires.

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