Body load Cell Sensor

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مستشعر اوزان الاجسام لمعرفة وزن الجسم


الرمز التعريفي: J-SN-GY-03 التصنيف:

: Description 

This is a half-bridge load sensor, which is widely used in weight scales. When the half-bridge is being stretched, it sends signal via the red signal wire
Used widely in hopper scales, platform scales, platform balance, belt scales and other electronic weighing devices.
: Feature 
Model: YZC-161
Material: Steel
Range: 50kg
Rated Load: 50kg
Rated output: 1.0 ± 0.1mV/V
Nonlinear: 0.08% F.S
Hysteresis: 0.1% F.S
Repeatability: 0.05% F.S
Input impedance: 1000 ± 20% Ω
Output impedance: 1000 ± 20% Ω
Insulation resistance: 2000 MΩ
Safety overload rate: 120% F.S
Ultimate Overload rate: 150% F.S
Operating temperature range: -20 ~ 65°C
Recommended Operating Voltage: 5 VDC
Maximum operating voltage: 8VDC
Material: Aluminum
Protection: IP65
Wiring color : red, black, White

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