Motor Shield V2

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Motor Shield V2 to Control 4 DC Motor or 2 Stepper and Servo


الرمز التعريفي: J-MT-CC-06 التصنيف: ,

Motor Shield V2 to Control 4 DC Motor or 2 Stepper and Servo

Motor Stepper Servo Robot Shield v2 with PWM Driver Shield For Arduino

  • 2 connections for 5V ‘hobby’ servos connected to the Arduino’s high-resolution dedicated timer – no jitter!
  • 4 H-Bridges: TB6612 chipset provides 1.2A per bridge (3A for brief 20ms peaks) with thermal shutdown protection, internal kickback protection diodes. Can run motors on 4.5VDC to 13.5VDC.
  • Up to 4 bi-directional DC motors with individual 8-bit speed selection (so, about 0.5% resolution)
  • Up to 2 stepper motors (unipolar or bipolar) with single coil, double coil, interleaved or micro-stepping.
  • Motors automatically disabled on power-up
  • Big terminal block connectors to easily hook up wires (18-26AWG) and power
  • Arduino reset button brought up top
  • Polarity protected 2-pin terminal block and jumper to connect external power, for separate logic/motor supplies
  • Tested compatible with Arduino UNO, Leonardo, ADK/Mega R3, Due, Diecimila & Duemilanove. Works with Mega/ADK R2 and earlier with 2 wire jumpers.
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الأبعاد 11 × 8 × 4 سنتيميتر
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