Ultimate Robot Kit – Blue

1,573.20 ر.س. يشمل قيمة مضافه 15% VAT ( رقم ضريبي: 310095677500003 )

الرمز التعريفي: J-RO-01 التصنيف:

Makeblock Ultimate Kits covers the functions of Makeblock Starter Kit and Makeblock Advanced Kit. Adding more beams and other mechanical parts. Sliders and V-Slot bearing can be used to build flexible linear motion mechanism, Makeblock high torque digital servo included, can be used to build 2-DOF robot arm

●   Strong aluminum extrusion parts, anodizing surface
●   Metal gear motor with back shaft
●   Different configuration of 2-wheel drive moving platform
●   Different configuration of tracked platform
●   Makeblock customized high torque servo included
●   Building Linear motion mechanism
●   Building 4-legged crawler robot
●   2-DOF robot arm
●   Aluminum robot gripper
●   Extra parts for exploring other configuration

Parts are packed in a translucent plastic tool box

Ultimate Robot Kit Instruction

Ultimate Wiring

الوزن 3.7 كيلوجرام
الأبعاد 50.8 × 30.48 × 15.24 سنتيميتر
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