مقياس تدفق الماء و التحكم بالكمية باستخدام الاردوينو



الكود البرمجي

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13); //Pines arduino to lcd

int Relay = 17; //Solenoid valve open/close
int start_stop = 2; //Start/Stop button
int rst_sp = 3; // Reset Set Point Button
int rst_cnt = 4; // Reset counter button
int unit = 5; // Change Unit Button
const int sensor_pulse =16; // Sensor Pulse In
//----Analog as Input-----//
int add_one =6; // +1 Button
int add_ten = 7; // +10 Button
int add_cien = 14; // +100 Button
int add_mil = 15; // +1000 Buton

//-----Variables for debouncing-----//
boolean currentstart_stop = LOW; 
boolean laststart_stop =LOW; 
boolean lastsensor_pulse = LOW;
boolean currentsensor_pulse = LOW;
boolean lastunit = LOW;
boolean currentunit = LOW;
boolean lastrst_sp = LOW;
boolean currentrst_sp = LOW;
boolean lastrst_cnt = LOW;
boolean currentrst_cnt = LOW;
boolean lastadd_one = LOW;
boolean currentadd_one = LOW;
boolean lastadd_ten = LOW;
boolean currentadd_ten = LOW;
boolean lastadd_cien = LOW;
boolean currentadd_cien = LOW;
boolean lastadd_mil = LOW;
boolean currentadd_mil = LOW;

//-----Storage state for toggle function---//
boolean unitState = LOW; //storage for the current state of the unit
boolean RelayState = LOW; //storage for the current state of the Relay (off/on)

//-------You have to put your pulses x liters here-----//
float cal_1=2.5; //Calibrate ml x pulse (cal_1 = 1000/400)
int cal_2= 400; //Calibrate pulses x liters

float counter_1 = 0.0; 
int counter_2= 0; 
int TotalCount_1= 0;
int TotalCount_2= 0;
int set_point_1= 0; 
int set_point_2= 0;

void setup(){
lcd.begin(16, 2);
pinMode(Relay, OUTPUT); 
pinMode(add_one, INPUT); 
pinMode(add_ten, INPUT); 
pinMode(add_cien, INPUT); 
pinMode(add_mil, INPUT);

lcd.setCursor(0,0); //Show "SP" on the LCD
lcd.setCursor(0,1); //Show "CNT" on the LCD

//----Debouncing function for all buttons----//
boolean debounce(boolean last, int pin)
boolean current = digitalRead(pin);
if (last != current)
current = digitalRead(pin);
return current;

void loop(){
//-----Debounce Buttons-----//
currentstart_stop = debounce(laststart_stop, start_stop); //Debounce for Start/Stop Button
currentsensor_pulse = debounce(lastsensor_pulse, sensor_pulse); //Debounce for Sensor
currentunit = debounce(lastunit, unit); //Debounce for unit Button
currentrst_sp = debounce(lastrst_sp, rst_sp); //Debounce for reset set point Button
currentrst_cnt = debounce(lastrst_cnt, rst_cnt); //Debounce for reset counter Button
currentadd_one = debounce(lastadd_one, add_one); //Debounce for +1 Button
currentadd_ten = debounce(lastadd_ten, add_ten); //Debounce for +10 Button
currentadd_cien = debounce(lastadd_cien, add_cien); //Debounce for +100 Button
currentadd_mil = debounce(lastadd_mil, add_mil); //Debounce for +1000 Button

//-----Start/Stop toggle function----//
if (currentstart_stop == HIGH && laststart_stop == LOW){

if (RelayState == HIGH){ //Toggle the state of the Relay
digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);
RelayState = LOW;
digitalWrite(Relay, HIGH);
RelayState = HIGH;

laststart_stop = currentstart_stop;

//-------Unit toggle function----//
if(RelayState == LOW){ //You only can change unit while system is not running! 

//------ Lt/ml unit toggle function----//
if (currentunit == HIGH && lastunit == LOW){
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); //Clear lcd(CNT area) between unit change,keeping last count
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(3,0); //Clear lcd (SP area) between unit change, keeping last SP
lcd.print(" ");

if (unitState == HIGH){ //Toggle the state of the unit (L/ml)
digitalWrite(unit, LOW);
unitState = LOW;
digitalWrite(unit, HIGH);
unitState = HIGH; 
lastunit = currentunit;
//------Print unit state-----//
if(unitState==HIGH){ //Unit state HIGH = L 
lcd.setCursor(14, 1);

else { //Unit state LOW = ml
}//End Print unit state

//------------Ml Counter-----//
if(unitState==LOW){ // LOW= Ml state


if(RelayState == LOW){ // You only can change settings while system is not running!

//-----Adders Buttons (set point_1)---//

if (currentadd_ten == HIGH && lastadd_ten == LOW){ // Add +10
set_point_1 = set_point_1 +10;
lastadd_ten = currentadd_ten;

if (currentadd_cien == HIGH && lastadd_cien == LOW){ // Add +100
set_point_1 = set_point_1 +100;
lastadd_cien = currentadd_cien;

if (currentadd_mil == HIGH && lastadd_mil == LOW){ // Add +1000
set_point_1 = set_point_1 +1000;
lastadd_mil = currentadd_mil; 

//-------Reset Buttons----//
if (currentrst_sp == HIGH && lastrst_sp == LOW){ //Reset Set Point
lcd.setCursor(3, 0); // Clear SP area
lcd.print(" ");
set_point_1 = 0;
lastrst_sp = currentrst_sp;
if (currentrst_cnt == HIGH && lastrst_cnt == LOW){//Reset Counter
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Clear CNT area
lcd.print(" ");
counter_1= 0; 
TotalCount_1= 0;
lastrst_cnt = currentrst_cnt;
}//-----End Settings-----//

//----Start Counter------//
if(RelayState == HIGH){ // Only counts while relay is HIGH
if (lastsensor_pulse== LOW && currentsensor_pulse == HIGH){
counter_1 = counter_1 + cal_1;
lastsensor_pulse = currentsensor_pulse;

//-------Counter function-----//
if(counter_1 >= 10){
TotalCount_1 = TotalCount_1 + 10;
counter_1=0; //Counter reset

lcd.setCursor(3, 0); //Show set point
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Show counter

//--Stop Counter.You can´t start if set point is lower or equal to counter--//
if(set_point_1 <= TotalCount_1){ 
RelayState = LOW;
digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Clear CNT area
lcd.print(" ");
counter_1= 0; 
TotalCount_1= 0; 
}//End unit state LOW (ml)

//------------Lt Counter-----//

if(unitState== HIGH){ //HIGH = Lt state


if(RelayState == LOW){ // You only can change settings while system is not running!

//-----Adders Buttons (set point_2)---//
if (currentadd_one == HIGH && lastadd_one == LOW){ // Add +1 
set_point_2 = set_point_2 +1;
lastadd_one = currentadd_one;

if (currentadd_ten == HIGH && lastadd_ten == LOW){ // Add +10
set_point_2 = set_point_2 +10;
lastadd_ten = currentadd_ten;

if (currentadd_cien == HIGH && lastadd_cien == LOW){ // Add +100
set_point_2 = set_point_2 +100;
lastadd_cien = currentadd_cien;

if (currentadd_mil == HIGH && lastadd_mil == LOW){ // Add +1000
set_point_2 = set_point_2 +1000;
lastadd_mil = currentadd_mil; 

//-------Reset Buttons----//
if (currentrst_sp == HIGH && lastrst_sp == LOW){ //Reset Set Point
lcd.setCursor(3, 0); // Clear SP area
lcd.print(" ");
set_point_2 = 0;
lastrst_sp = currentrst_sp;
if (currentrst_cnt == HIGH && lastrst_cnt == LOW){//Reset Counter
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Clear CNT area
lcd.print(" ");
counter_2= 0; 
TotalCount_2= 0;
lastrst_cnt = currentrst_cnt;
}//-----End Settings-----//

//----Start Counter------//
if(RelayState == HIGH){ // Only counts while relay is HIGH
if (lastsensor_pulse== LOW && currentsensor_pulse == HIGH){
counter_2 = counter_2 + 1;
lastsensor_pulse = currentsensor_pulse;

//-------Counter function-----//
if(counter_2 == cal_2){
TotalCount_2 = TotalCount_2 + 1;
counter_2 = 0; //Counter reset

lcd.setCursor(3, 0); //Show set point
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Show counter

//--Stop Counter.You can´t start if set point is lower or equal to counter--//
if(set_point_2 <= TotalCount_2){
RelayState = LOW;
digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Clear CNT area
lcd.print(" ");
counter_2= 0; 
TotalCount_2= 0; 

}//End unit state HIGH (L)

}//End Void Loop

شرح الكود البرمجي

استدعاء مكتبة الشاشة الكرستالية و تعريف منافذها

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13); //Pines arduino to lcd

تعريف منافذ مفاتيح النظام

int Relay = 17; //Solenoid valve open/close
int start_stop = 2; //Start/Stop button
int rst_sp = 3; // Reset Set Point Button
int rst_cnt = 4; // Reset counter button
int unit = 5; // Change Unit Button
const int sensor_pulse =16; // Sensor Pulse In
//----Analog as Input-----//
int add_one =6; // +1 Button
int add_ten = 7; // +10 Button
int add_cien = 14; // +100 Button
int add_mil = 15; // +1000 Buton

تعريف متغيرات

//-----Variables for debouncing-----//
boolean currentstart_stop = LOW; 
boolean laststart_stop =LOW; 
boolean lastsensor_pulse = LOW;
boolean currentsensor_pulse = LOW;
boolean lastunit = LOW;
boolean currentunit = LOW;
boolean lastrst_sp = LOW;
boolean currentrst_sp = LOW;
boolean lastrst_cnt = LOW;
boolean currentrst_cnt = LOW;
boolean lastadd_one = LOW;
boolean currentadd_one = LOW;
boolean lastadd_ten = LOW;
boolean currentadd_ten = LOW;
boolean lastadd_cien = LOW;
boolean currentadd_cien = LOW;
boolean lastadd_mil = LOW;
boolean currentadd_mil = LOW;

//-----Storage state for toggle function---//
boolean unitState = LOW; //storage for the current state of the unit
boolean RelayState = LOW; //storage for the current state of the Relay (off/on)

هنا يتم تعديل الأمر البرمجي بناء على عدد النبضات التي وجدتها في كود الموازنة، حيث تقوم بقسمة عدد النبضات على 1000 لتعين متغير cal_1 و متغسر cal_2 يساوي عدد النبضات

//-------You have to put your pulses x liters here-----//
float cal_1=2.5; //Calibrate ml x pulse (cal_1 = 1000/400)
int cal_2= 400; //Calibrate pulses x liters

float counter_1 = 0.0;
int counter_2= 0;
int TotalCount_1= 0;
int TotalCount_2= 0;
int set_point_1= 0;
int set_point_2= 0;

في دالة void setup يتم تهيئة الشاشة

void setup(){
lcd.begin(16, 2);
pinMode(Relay, OUTPUT);
pinMode(add_one, INPUT);
pinMode(add_ten, INPUT);
pinMode(add_cien, INPUT);
pinMode(add_mil, INPUT);

lcd.setCursor(0,0); //Show "SP" on the LCD
lcd.setCursor(0,1); //Show "CNT" on the LCD

//----Debouncing function for all buttons----//
boolean debounce(boolean last, int pin)
boolean current = digitalRead(pin);
if (last != current)
current = digitalRead(pin);
return current;

دالة الvoid loop لبدء النظام


void loop(){
//-----Debounce Buttons-----//
currentstart_stop = debounce(laststart_stop, start_stop); //Debounce for Start/Stop Button
currentsensor_pulse = debounce(lastsensor_pulse, sensor_pulse); //Debounce for Sensor
currentunit = debounce(lastunit, unit); //Debounce for unit Button
currentrst_sp = debounce(lastrst_sp, rst_sp); //Debounce for reset set point Button
currentrst_cnt = debounce(lastrst_cnt, rst_cnt); //Debounce for reset counter Button
currentadd_one = debounce(lastadd_one, add_one); //Debounce for +1 Button
currentadd_ten = debounce(lastadd_ten, add_ten); //Debounce for +10 Button
currentadd_cien = debounce(lastadd_cien, add_cien); //Debounce for +100 Button
currentadd_mil = debounce(lastadd_mil, add_mil); //Debounce for +1000 Button

//-----Start/Stop toggle function----//
if (currentstart_stop == HIGH && laststart_stop == LOW){

if (RelayState == HIGH){ //Toggle the state of the Relay
digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);
RelayState = LOW;
digitalWrite(Relay, HIGH);
RelayState = HIGH;

laststart_stop = currentstart_stop;

//-------Unit toggle function----//
if(RelayState == LOW){ //You only can change unit while system is not running!

//------ Lt/ml unit toggle function----//
if (currentunit == HIGH && lastunit == LOW){
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); //Clear lcd(CNT area) between unit change,keeping last count
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(3,0); //Clear lcd (SP area) between unit change, keeping last SP
lcd.print(" ");

if (unitState == HIGH){ //Toggle the state of the unit (L/ml)
digitalWrite(unit, LOW);
unitState = LOW;
digitalWrite(unit, HIGH);
unitState = HIGH;
lastunit = currentunit;

الشرط التالي لتغير الوحدة

//------Print unit state-----//
if(unitState==HIGH){ //Unit state HIGH = L
lcd.setCursor(14, 1);

else { //Unit state LOW = ml
}//End Print unit state

//------------Ml Counter-----//
if(unitState==LOW){ // LOW= Ml state


يمكن تغير الإعدادات اذا كان النظام لايعمل

if(RelayState == LOW){ // You only can change settings while system is not running!

//-----Adders Buttons (set point_1)---//

if (currentadd_ten == HIGH && lastadd_ten == LOW){ // Add +10
set_point_1 = set_point_1 +10;
lastadd_ten = currentadd_ten;

if (currentadd_cien == HIGH && lastadd_cien == LOW){ // Add +100
set_point_1 = set_point_1 +100;
lastadd_cien = currentadd_cien;

if (currentadd_mil == HIGH && lastadd_mil == LOW){ // Add +1000
set_point_1 = set_point_1 +1000;
lastadd_mil = currentadd_mil;

الشرط التالي لتحديد عمل مفتاح اعادة الضبط

//-------Reset Buttons----//
if (currentrst_sp == HIGH && lastrst_sp == LOW){ //Reset Set Point
lcd.setCursor(3, 0); // Clear SP area
lcd.print(" ");
set_point_1 = 0;
lastrst_sp = currentrst_sp;
if (currentrst_cnt == HIGH && lastrst_cnt == LOW){//Reset Counter
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Clear CNT area
lcd.print(" ");
counter_1= 0;
TotalCount_1= 0;
lastrst_cnt = currentrst_cnt;
}//-----End Settings-----//

//----Start Counter------//
if(RelayState == HIGH){ // Only counts while relay is HIGH
if (lastsensor_pulse== LOW && currentsensor_pulse == HIGH){
counter_1 = counter_1 + cal_1;
lastsensor_pulse = currentsensor_pulse;

دالة العداد

//-------Counter function-----//
if(counter_1 >= 10){
TotalCount_1 = TotalCount_1 + 10;
counter_1=0; //Counter reset

lcd.setCursor(3, 0); //Show set point
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Show counter

//--Stop Counter.You can´t start if set point is lower or equal to counter--//
if(set_point_1 <= TotalCount_1){
RelayState = LOW;
digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Clear CNT area
lcd.print(" ");
counter_1= 0;
TotalCount_1= 0;
}//End unit state LOW (ml)

//------------Lt Counter-----//

if(unitState== HIGH){ //HIGH = Lt state


if(RelayState == LOW){ // You only can change settings while system is not running!

//-----Adders Buttons (set point_2)---//
if (currentadd_one == HIGH && lastadd_one == LOW){ // Add +1
set_point_2 = set_point_2 +1;
lastadd_one = currentadd_one;

if (currentadd_ten == HIGH && lastadd_ten == LOW){ // Add +10
set_point_2 = set_point_2 +10;
lastadd_ten = currentadd_ten;

if (currentadd_cien == HIGH && lastadd_cien == LOW){ // Add +100
set_point_2 = set_point_2 +100;
lastadd_cien = currentadd_cien;

if (currentadd_mil == HIGH && lastadd_mil == LOW){ // Add +1000
set_point_2 = set_point_2 +1000;
lastadd_mil = currentadd_mil;

//-------Reset Buttons----//
if (currentrst_sp == HIGH && lastrst_sp == LOW){ //Reset Set Point
lcd.setCursor(3, 0); // Clear SP area
lcd.print(" ");
set_point_2 = 0;
lastrst_sp = currentrst_sp;
if (currentrst_cnt == HIGH && lastrst_cnt == LOW){//Reset Counter
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Clear CNT area
lcd.print(" ");
counter_2= 0;
TotalCount_2= 0;
lastrst_cnt = currentrst_cnt;
}//-----End Settings-----//

//----Start Counter------//
if(RelayState == HIGH){ // Only counts while relay is HIGH
if (lastsensor_pulse== LOW && currentsensor_pulse == HIGH){
counter_2 = counter_2 + 1;
lastsensor_pulse = currentsensor_pulse;

//-------Counter function-----//
if(counter_2 == cal_2){
TotalCount_2 = TotalCount_2 + 1;
counter_2 = 0; //Counter reset

lcd.setCursor(3, 0); //Show set point
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Show counter

//--Stop Counter.You can´t start if set point is lower or equal to counter--//
if(set_point_2 <= TotalCount_2){
RelayState = LOW;
digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Clear CNT area
lcd.print(" ");
counter_2= 0;
TotalCount_2= 0;

}//End unit state HIGH (L)

}//End Void Loop

تم إضافة المنتج إلى السلة بنجاح