عرض أوقات الصلاة
يمكن عرض أوقات الصلاة من خلال اضافة وحدة أوقات الصلاة داخل ملف (Modules) بالخطوات التالية
cd modules
ثم نقوم بعمل نسخ من ملف وحدة عرض أوقات الصلاة من خلال السطر التالي
git clone https://github.com/slametps/MMM-PrayerTime.git
بعد ذلك اكتب الأسطر التالية
cd MMM-PrayerTime
npm install async
ثم الخروج من الملف بكتابة
cd --
هذه الخطوة اختيارية لتعديل ظهور الجدول من اليمين إلى اليسار وهو بحذف ملف التكوين(MMM-PrayerTime.js) من داخل ملف (MMM-PrayerTime) و استبداله بالبرنامج التالي
Module.register("MMM-PrayerTime",{ // Default module config. defaults: { apiVersion: '1.0', lat: false, lon: false, timezone: false, timeFormat: config.timeFormat || 24, method: 5, // method of timing computation {0-Shia Ithna-Ashari,1-University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi,2-Islamic Society of North America (ISNA),3-Muslim World League (MWL),4-Umm al-Qura, Makkah,5-Egyptian General Authority of Survey,7-Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran} methodSettings: false, school: 0, // 0 = Shafii, 1 = Hanafi adjustment: 0, // 0 = no days of adjustment to hijri date(s) tune: '', // Comma Separated String of integers to offset timings returned by the API in minutes. Example: 5,3,5,7,9,7. See https://aladhan.com/calculation-methods midnightMode: 0, // 0 for Standard (Mid Sunset to Sunrise), 1 for Jafari (Mid Sunset to Fajr). If you leave this empty, it defaults to Standard. latitudeAdjustmentMethod: '', // Method for adjusting times higher latitudes - for instance, if you are checking timings in the UK or Sweden. 1 - Middle of the Night, 2 - One Seventh, 3 - Angle Based playAdzan: ['fajr', 'dhuhr', 'asr', 'maghrib', 'isha'], notDisplayed: ['midnight', 'sunset'], useUpdateInterval: true, updateInterval: 86400 * 1000, // How often do you want to fetch new praying time? (milliseconds) animationSpeed: 2.5 * 1000, // Speed of the update animation. (milliseconds) language: config.language || "en", colored: false, showAdzanAlert: true, showTomorrow: true, vertical: true, // set false to horizontal view alertTimer: 15000 }, getScripts: function() { return ["moment.js"]; }, getStyles: function() { return ["MMM-PrayerTime.css"]; }, // Define required translations. getTranslations: function() { return { 'en': 'translations/en.json', 'id': 'translations/id.json', 'ar': 'translations/ar.json', 'fr': 'translations/fr.json', 'de': 'translations/de.json', 'bn': 'translations/bn.json' }; }, getCommands: function(commander) { commander.add({ command: 'prayertime', description: this.translate("TXT_PRAYERTIME_DESC"), callback: 'cmd_prayertime' }) }, cmd_prayertime: function(command, handler) { var text = ""; text += "*" + this.translate("TXT_PRAYERTIME") + "*\n"; text += "*" + this.translate("TODAY") + "*\n"; for (var t in this.arrTodaySchedule) { text += "*" + this.translate(this.arrTodaySchedule[t][0].toUpperCase()) + ":* `" + (this.config.timeFormat == 12 ? moment(this.arrTodaySchedule[t][1], ["HH:mm"]).format("h:mm A") : this.arrTodaySchedule[t][1]) + "`\n"; } text += "\n*" + this.translate("TOMORROW") + "*\n"; for (var t in this.arrNextdaySchedule) { text += "*" + this.translate(this.arrNextdaySchedule[t][0].toUpperCase()) + ":* `" + (this.config.timeFormat == 12 ? moment(this.arrNextdaySchedule[t][1], ["HH:mm"]).format("h:mm A") : this.arrNextdaySchedule[t][1]) + "`\n"; } handler.reply("TEXT", text, {parse_mode:'Markdown'}); }, /* getParams * Generates an url with api parameters based on the config. * * return String - URL params. */ getParams: function(unixTime) { var params = unixTime + "?"; if(this.config.lat) { params += "latitude=" + this.config.lat; } if (this.config.lon) { params += "&longitude=" + this.config.lon; } if (this.config.timezone) { params += "&timezonestring=" + this.config.timezone; } if (this.config.method) { params += "&method=" + this.config.method; } if (this.config.methodSettings) { params += "&methodSettings=" + encodeURI(this.config.methodSettings); } if (this.config.school) { params += "&school=" + this.config.school; } if (this.config.adjustment) { params += "&adjustment=" + this.config.adjustment; } if (this.config.tune) { params += "&tune=" + encodeURI(this.config.tune); } if (this.config.midnightMode) { params += "&midnightMode=" + this.config.midnightMode; } if (this.config.latitudeAdjustmentMethod) { params += "&latitudeAdjustmentMethod=" + this.config.latitudeAdjustmentMethod; } return params; }, /* processSchedule * process downloaded scheduled. */ processSchedule: function() { var self = this; function sortSchedule(a, b) { if (a[1] < b[1]) { return -1; } if (a[1] > b[1]) { return 1; } // names must be equal return 0; } // sort today schedule this.arrTodaySchedule = []; this.arrAdzanTime = []; for(var x in this.todaySchedule){ if (!self.config.notDisplayed.includes(x.toLowerCase())) this.arrTodaySchedule.push([x, this.todaySchedule[x]]); if (self.config.playAdzan.includes(x.toLowerCase())) this.arrAdzanTime.push(this.todaySchedule[x]); } this.arrTodaySchedule.sort(sortSchedule); // sort nextday schedule this.arrNextdaySchedule = []; for(var x in this.nextdaySchedule){ if (!self.config.notDisplayed.includes(x.toLowerCase())) this.arrNextdaySchedule.push([x, this.nextdaySchedule[x]]); } this.arrNextdaySchedule.sort(sortSchedule); this.loaded = true; this.updateDom(this.config.animationSpeed); }, updateSchedule: function(delay) { var self = this; Log.log(self.name + ': updateSchedule'); var urlBase = "http://api.aladhan.com/timings/"; var curUnixTime = moment().unix(); var urlToday = urlBase + this.getParams(curUnixTime); var urlNextday = urlBase + this.getParams(curUnixTime + 86400); var resultToday = {}; var resultNextday = {}; var nbReq = 2; var nbRes = 0; var todayRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); todayRequest.open("GET", urlToday, true); todayRequest.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === 4) { if (this.status === 200) { resultToday = JSON.parse(this.responseText); self.todaySchedule = resultToday.data.timings; // debug/testing only //self.todaySchedule = {"Fajr":"04:30", "Dhuhr":"12:00", "Asr":"16:14", "Maghrib":"18:00", "Isha":"20:50", "Imsak":"04:20"}; nbRes++; if (nbRes == nbReq) self.processSchedule(); } else { Log.error(self.name + ": got HTTP status-" + this.status); retry = true; } } }; todayRequest.send(); var nextdayRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); nextdayRequest.open("GET", urlNextday, true); nextdayRequest.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === 4) { if (this.status === 200) { resultNextday = JSON.parse(this.responseText); self.nextdaySchedule = resultNextday.data.timings; nbRes++; if (nbRes == nbReq) self.processSchedule(); } else { Log.error(self.name + ": got HTTP status-" + this.status); retry = true; } } }; nextdayRequest.send(); }, isAdzanNow: function() { var curTime = moment().format("HH:mm:ss"); var indexAdzan = -1; //console.log(this.arrTodaySchedule); if (this.arrTodaySchedule.length > 0) { function isAdzan(el, idx, arr) { return (el[1] + ':00') == curTime; } indexAdzan = this.arrTodaySchedule.findIndex(isAdzan); //console.log("indexAdzan-"+indexAdzan); if (indexAdzan > -1) { //console.log(this.config.playAdzan); //console.log("this.arrTodaySchedule[indexAdzan][0]).toLowerCase()-"+(this.arrTodaySchedule[indexAdzan][0]).toLowerCase()); //console.log("this.config.playAdzan.findIndex((this.arrTodaySchedule[indexAdzan][0]).toLowerCase())-"+this.config.playAdzan.findIndex((this.arrTodaySchedule[indexAdzan][0]).toLowerCase())); if (this.config.playAdzan.includes((this.arrTodaySchedule[indexAdzan][0]).toLowerCase())) { if (this.config.showAdzanAlert) { var occasionNameUpper = (this.arrTodaySchedule[indexAdzan][0]).toUpperCase(); var alertMsg = "ALERT_ADZAN_MSG"; var adzanImsak = "ADZAN"; //console.log("occasionNameUpper-"+occasionNameUpper); if (occasionNameUpper == "IMSAK") { alertMsg = "ALERT_IMSAK_MSG"; adzanImsak = "IMSAK"; } this.sendNotification("SHOW_ALERT", {title: this.translate(adzanImsak).toUpperCase(), imageFA: 'bullhorn', message: this.translate(alertMsg).replace("%OCCASION", this.translate(occasionNameUpper)), timer: this.config.alertTimer}); } //console.log("this.arrTodaySchedule[indexAdzan][0]).toUpperCase()-"+(this.arrTodaySchedule[indexAdzan][0]).toUpperCase()); this.sendSocketNotification("PLAY_ADZAN", {occasion: (this.arrTodaySchedule[indexAdzan][0]).toUpperCase()}); } } } }, start: function() { Log.info("Starting module: " + this.name); var self = this; // Set locale. moment.locale(this.config.language); this.todaySchedule = {}; this.nextdaySchedule = {}; this.arrTodaySchedule = []; this.arrNextdaySchedule = []; this.arrAdzanTime = []; this.loaded = false; var self = this; // first update self.updateSchedule(0); // periodic update if defined if (self.config.useUpdateInterval) { Log.log(self.name + ': using periodic update is activated'); setInterval(function() { self.updateSchedule(0); }, self.config.updateInterval); } // adzan-checker self.isAdzanNow(); setInterval(function() { self.isAdzanNow(); }, 1000); }, // Override dom generator. getDom: function() { Log.log("Updating MMM-PrayerTime DOM."); var self = this; var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); if (!this.loaded) { wrapper.innerHTML = this.translate("LOADING"); wrapper.className = "dimmed light small"; } else { var table = document.createElement("table"); table.className = "small"; if (this.config.vertical) { // vertical view var row = document.createElement("tr"); if (this.config.colored) { row.className = "colored"; } table.appendChild(row); if (this.config.showTomorrow) { // nextday var occasionTimeNext = document.createElement("td"); occasionTimeNext.className = "occasion-time bright light"; //occasionTimeNext.innerHTML = this.todaySchedule[t]; occasionTimeNext.innerHTML = this.translate('TOMORROW'); row.appendChild(occasionTimeNext); } // today var occasionTime = document.createElement("td"); occasionTime.className = "occasion-time bright light"; occasionTime.innerHTML = this.translate('TODAY'); row.appendChild(occasionTime); var occasionName = document.createElement("td"); occasionName.className = "occasion-name bright light"; occasionName.innerHTML = ' '; row.appendChild(occasionName); //for (var i = 0, count = this.todaySchedule.length; i < count; i++) { //for (t in this.todaySchedule) for (t in this.arrTodaySchedule) { row = document.createElement("tr"); if (this.config.colored) { row.className = "colored"; } table.appendChild(row); //// ثاني تغير if (this.config.showTomorrow) { // nextday var occasionTimeNext = document.createElement("td"); occasionTimeNext.className = "occasion-time bright light"; //occasionTimeNext.innerHTML = this.todaySchedule[t]; occasionTimeNext.innerHTML = (this.config.timeFormat == 12 ? moment(this.arrNextdaySchedule[t][1], ["HH:mm"]).format("h:mm A") : this.arrNextdaySchedule[t][1]); row.appendChild(occasionTimeNext); } // today var occasionTime = document.createElement("td"); occasionTime.className = "occasion-time bright light"; //occasionTime.innerHTML = this.todaySchedule[t]; occasionTime.innerHTML = (this.config.timeFormat == 12 ? moment(this.arrTodaySchedule[t][1], ["HH:mm"]).format("h:mm A") : this.arrTodaySchedule[t][1]); row.appendChild(occasionTime); var occasionName = document.createElement("td"); occasionName.className = "occasion-name bright light"; //occasionName.innerHTML = this.translate(t); occasionName.innerHTML = this.translate(this.arrTodaySchedule[t][0].toUpperCase()); row.appendChild(occasionName); } } else { // horizontal view var table = document.createElement("table"); table.className = "small"; var row = document.createElement("tr"); if (this.config.colored) { row.className = "colored"; } table.appendChild(row); var occasionName = document.createElement("td"); occasionName.className = "occasion-name bright light"; occasionName.innerHTML = ' '; row.appendChild(occasionName); // column label for (t in this.arrTodaySchedule) { var occasionTime = document.createElement("td"); occasionTime.className = "occasion-time bright light"; occasionTime.innerHTML = this.translate(this.arrTodaySchedule[t][0].toUpperCase()); row.appendChild(occasionTime); } // today var rowToday = document.createElement("tr"); if (this.config.colored) { rowToday.className = "colored"; } table.appendChild(rowToday); var occasionNameToday = document.createElement("td"); occasionNameToday.className = "occasion-time bright light"; occasionNameToday.innerHTML = this.translate('TODAY'); rowToday.appendChild(occasionNameToday); for (t in this.arrTodaySchedule) { var occasionTimeToday = document.createElement("td"); occasionTimeToday.className = "occasion-time bright light"; occasionTimeToday.innerHTML = (this.config.timeFormat == 12 ? moment(this.arrTodaySchedule[t][1], ["HH:mm"]).format("h:mm A") : this.arrTodaySchedule[t][1]); rowToday.appendChild(occasionTimeToday); } if (this.config.showTomorrow) { // nextday var rowNext = document.createElement("tr"); if (this.config.colored) { rowNext.className = "colored"; } table.appendChild(rowNext); var occasionNameNext = document.createElement("td"); occasionNameNext.className = "occasion-time bright light"; occasionNameNext.innerHTML = this.translate('TOMORROW'); rowNext.appendChild(occasionNameNext); for (t in this.arrTodaySchedule) { var occasionTimeNext = document.createElement("td"); occasionTimeNext.className = "occasion-time bright light"; occasionTimeNext.innerHTML = (this.config.timeFormat == 12 ? moment(this.arrNextdaySchedule[t][1], ["HH:mm"]).format("h:mm A") : this.arrNextdaySchedule[t][1]); rowNext.appendChild(occasionTimeNext); } } } wrapper.appendChild(table); } return wrapper; }, notificationReceived: function(notification, payload, sender) { Log.log(this.name + ": received notification : " + notification); if (notification == "PRAYER_TIME") { if (payload.type == "PLAY_ADZAN") { if (this.config.showAdzanAlert) this.sendNotification("SHOW_ALERT", {title: this.translate("ADZAN"), message: this.translate("ALERT_ADZAN_MSG").replace("%OCCASION", this.translate("ASR")), timer: this.config.alertTimer}); this.sendSocketNotification("PLAY_ADZAN", {occasion: 'ASR'}); } if (payload.type == "UPDATE_PRAYINGTIME") { this.updateSchedule(0); } } } });
عد إلى ملف التكوين واضف السطر التالية
{ module: 'MMM-PrayerTime', position: 'top_right', // This can be any of the regions. Best result is in the top_left/top_right. config: { apiVersion: '1.0', // please, leave unchanged. reserved for future use. lat: 24.7136, // latitude of your position (city) lon: 46.6753, // longitude of your position (city) timezone: 'Asia/Riyadh', // please refer to http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php timeFormat: 12, method: 5, playAdzan: ['fajr', 'dhuhr', 'asr', 'maghrib', 'isha'], notDisplayed: ['midnight', 'sunset'], useUpdateInterval: true, updateInterval: 86400 * 1000, // How often do you want to fetch new praying time? (milliseconds) animationSpeed: 2.5 * 1000, // Speed of the update animation. (milliseconds) language: 'ar', showAdzanAlert: true, showTomorrow: true, vertical: true, // set false for horizontal view alertTimer: 15000 } },
يجب أن تقوم بتغير الأسطر التالية حسب موقعك فيشير (lat) إلى خطوط العرض الخاصة بمدينتك و (lon) إلى خطوط الطول
lat: 24.7136, // latitude of your position (city) lon: 46.6753, // longitude of your position (city) timezone: 'Asia/Riyadh', // please refer to http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
الأسطر التالية تتحكم بتفعيل الأذان عند دخول أوقات الصلاة، و هل ظهور مواعيد الصلاة باليوم التالي
showAdzanAlert: true, showTomorrow: true,
بعد تشغيل البرنامج ستجد الواجهة بهذا الشكل